Current state and contact (various questions)

B1773rm4n B1773rm4n+gnupg-users at
Wed Feb 2 08:30:56 CET 2022


this is my first post here. I'm an experienced Dev and FOSS contributor 
which worked quite some with gpg recently.

I got some questions:

1. Who takes care for tasks like updating the website?
For example would be easy 
to update. Someone could easily do it. Who is responsible? How can I do 
it myself?

2. Difference of public key between gpg and Thunderbird. What do I have 
to do to yield the same public key file?
I create a key pair in gpg and then import it to thunderbird. When using 
the "attach pub key to mail" option another pub key is used than I have 
saved in my gpg exported file

2.1 The export of gpg --armor --export $KEY yields a different public 
key than Thunderbird is creating. I'm using this script:

2.2 One clue which I got via --list-packets is that gpg is using new-ctb 
- Thunderbird is using the old ctb. Maybe this yields different results? 
I haven't been able to find any documentation about that new-ctb. Where 
can I find it?

3. I'm already asking the Ubuntu community but want to ask here too: gpg 
on Ubuntu jammy is 12 months old running 2.2.27. How is the current 
process / communication handled? Is there anything I can do to 
support/speed up this process?

4. Is there any IRC channel or other way of chat communication available 
for gpg?

Greets B1773rm4n

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