Signing message problem with GPG loopback pin-entry option

Alireza Sadeghpour alireza0101sadeghpour at
Sun Feb 20 16:25:31 CET 2022

I am trying to encrypt and sign a file with gpg and loopback pinentry
option, with the below command:

gpg --pinentry-mode=loopback --passphrase ="mypws" \
--ignore-time-conflict --ignore-valid-from \
--cipher-algo AES256 --symmetric --ignore-time-conflict \
--passphrase-file ~/.gnupg/PG/p-enckey --trust-model always -q --batch
--yes --local-user "UserID" \
--sign --force-mdc \
--output /var/psigner/2 \

however i got the below error message:

gpg: signing failed: Too much data for IPC layer
gpg: /var/psigner/1: sign+symmetric failed: Too much data for IPC layer

but with the below command, which a dialog pops up to ask for the key
passphrase, everything works fine.

gpg \
--ignore-time-conflict --ignore-valid-from \
--cipher-algo AES256 --symmetric --ignore-time-conflict \
--passphrase-file ~/.gnupg/PG/patch-enckey --trust-model always -q
--batch --yes --local-user "UserID" \
--sign --force-mdc \
--output /var/psigner/2 \

Can anyone give me advice to solve the problem?
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