Second OpenPGP-card

Matthias Apitz guru at
Fri Feb 9 15:36:02 CET 2024

I do use an OpenPGP-card, bought from Purism in one of my L5 mobiles and I
want to buy a second one for my other L5. I use two L5, one in Europe,
the other in Cuba with a cuban SIM card. I could buy the 2nd card in
Purism to, but would have to pay $65 shipping fee for the $15 card.
So, can I buy this card here in Europe or even in Germany?

Next question: Can I transfer somehow the key from one card to the
other to use the same encrypted files foo.gpg from my password store:

purism at pureos:~$ find .password-store/ -type f | wc -l

If not, I could with a script decrypt all the files in this tree and
encrypt them again after setup the card. But, it would be better just
copy the files over by SCP, also when passwords get added or updated.


Matthias Apitz, ✉ guru at, +49-176-38902045
Public GnuPG key:

I am not at war with Russia.
Я не воюю с Россией.
Ich bin nicht im Krieg mit Russland.

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