Upgrade woes

Phillip Susi phill at thesusis.net
Wed Sep 25 23:17:16 CEST 2024

So I upgraded to the new release of Debian a while back.  I just
realized I forgot to migrate my gpg keys to the new system.  Old one was
running 2.2.27, and now I am running 2.2.40.  I tried copying the .gnupg
directory to the new system, but gpg -k wouldn't show any keys.  I seem
to remember the last time I upgraded, I had to export and import the
keys to get them to be recognized.

I chrooted into the old system and tried to export the keys, but it just
keeps commplaining: error receiving key from agent, permission denied.

Is there a way to get it to stop using this dang agent stuff and just
prompt me for the password normally like it used to?

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