GnuTLS 2.3.12 - second release candidate for 2.4.0

Frank Mertens frank at
Sun Jun 8 08:11:54 CEST 2008

Simon Josefsson wrote:
> This the second release candidate for 2.4.0.  Anything that doesn't live
> up to the expectations on a stable release should be reported before
> this turns into the real 2.4.0.  We hope to release 2.4.0 within a week
> or two.
> The goals for the 2.3.x branch are tracked at:
> Alas, the spammers have found our trac site so it is almost useless. :(
> Hopefully I can move it to another host soon...  Is anyone interested in
> helping to admin it?  Can anyone sponsor a VPS to run this on?  Help!

What about redmine? My wife told me she would setup a redmine plus
akismet spam filtering for my new project. Would be a honor for
us to also host gnutls. We are using a Xen-based virtual server on


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