Missing gnutls_x509_crq_sest_subject_alternative_name ?

Daniel Kahn Gillmor dkg at fifthhorseman.net
Wed Sep 17 19:12:32 CEST 2008

Hi David--

On Wed 2008-09-17 12:55:13 -0400, David Marín Carreño wrote:

> As some of you probably know, I am developing gnoMint, a graphical
> X.509 CA manager.

Cool, thanks for working on that!

> Examining the API, it seems that there exists a
> "gnutls_x509_set_subject_alternative_name" that adds an alternative
> name extension to a certificate structure, but it doesn't exist a
> similar function for adding alternative name(s) to certificate
> requests.

This question was just asked on help-gnutls:


The answer seems to be that the capability doesn't exist yet in
certtool.  Looking at includes/gnutls/x509.h, i don't see any similar
functionality for certificate requests in the library itself
either. :(

> Is there a reason for that? Do you plan to add that function?

I don't think there is a good reason to *not* have it; adding this
feature would be a really good thing, given how popular this
particular v3 extension is today.

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