[gnutls-devel] Problems compiling from git on Mac OS X

Nikos Mavrogiannopoulos nmav at gnutls.org
Mon Dec 10 17:30:57 CET 2012

On 12/10/2012 02:44 PM, Alfredo Pironti wrote:

> Hello all,
> I'm trying to compile GnuTLS on Mac OS X 10.7.5 (with gcc toolchain
> installed via standard XCode) by cloning from git, and I get some
> errors, both in the master branch, and in the 3.1.5 tag. However, I
> can successfully compile, install and run GnuTLS if I start from the
> released 3.1.5 tarball.
> More details follow:
> - Issue: The new clone command "git clone
> git at gitorious.org:gnutls/
> gnutls.git" suggested on the website does not
> work (Permission denied (publickey).)
> - Fix: the command "git clone git://gitorious.org/gnutls/gnutls.git"
> worked for me.

Hello Alfredo,
 Thanks. It was a typo in the web site. It should be now fixed.

> - Issue: make bootstrap does not accept configure parameters (e.g.
> --with-libnettle-prefix, which is essential in my environment.)
> - Local fix: either alter cfg.mk to add the flag; or run configure
> manually. Maybe on the website we could instruct the user to run "make
> autoreconf" and then configure manually?

Looks better. I've updated the site.

> - Issue (minor): when generating manages, "echo -n" is used in the
> makefile, but -n appears not to be in the "Single Unix Specification",
> so it display lines beginning with -n (and linefeed terminated) on Mac
> OS X. I found some info at
> http://hints.macworld.com/article.php?story=20071106192548833
> - Fix: use the printf cited in the link? Or just leave things as they
> are, because they work after all?

I am wondering if we replace with  echo "xxx\c" instead, would that
cause issues in other systems? In any case the whole generation of
manpages/documentation needs a major lifting since it is inefficient
(I'm waiting until it is totally intolerable to touch it :)

> - Issue (major): In file ecore_time.c, lines 47, 130, 132,137:
> references to undeclared '_ecore_time_clock_id', 'CLOCK_MONOTONIC',
> These defines are known to be missing on Mac OS X. With the tarball,
> (manpages and) this file don't get compiled, so compilation does not
> fail overall. Unfortunately I don't have a fix for this.

We use the real time clocks in few of the tests, but they should be
disabled in systems that don't provide them. Does make check fail on
macosx? If yes would a patch like the attached solve the issue?

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