[gnutls-devel] Bugfixes for certificate lists

Nikos Mavrogiannopoulos nmav at gnutls.org
Thu Jul 28 14:04:05 CEST 2016

On Thu, Jul 28, 2016 at 1:32 PM, Tim Kosse
<tim.kosse at filezilla-project.org> wrote:
>> I wonder whether we need to add a certificate_get_peers function which
>> is guaranteed to return a sorted list (or modify that one to do so).
> Changing the existing function would break programs relying that it
> returns the certificates as received by the server, e.g. gnutls-cli-debug.
> So I suppose there needs to be a function to return the certificates as
> received. How about adding certificate_get_peers2 with a flags argument
> just like gnutls_x509_crt_list_import2?

Sounds reasonable. It's not priority for me, but I've created a ticket
for it, so it doesn't get lost.


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