[gnutls-devel] GnuTLS | It is not possible for server to check whether client requested OCSP stapling (#829)

Development of GNU's TLS library gnutls-devel at lists.gnutls.org
Sun Dec 15 14:09:40 CET 2019

jgh commented:


It's closest to the latter, but slightly more subtle:  was a response actually sent?  The distinction being
that, because there could have been multiple possible server certs, and multiple possible OCSP responses -
it's quite feasible for the application code using the library to fail to have loaded up a consistent
combination.  Especially in the face of changing client behaviour, requiring the server to use a cert
for which no OCSP response has been loaded.  Therefore, a plain easy-to-use question
from the server application code to the server-side library, after the handshake: was an OCSP stapled
response sent?

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