[gnutls-devel] Guile-GnuTLS | Draft: Add the HMAC functions (!5)

Read-only notification of GnuTLS library development activities gnutls-devel at lists.gnutls.org
Fri Dec 23 11:15:21 CET 2022

civodul started a new discussion on guile/tests/hmac.scm: https://gitlab.com/gnutls/guile/-/merge_requests/5#note_1219867653

> +                    (char<=? digit #\f))
> +               (+ (- (char->integer digit) (char->integer #\a))
> +                  10))
> +              ((and (char>=? digit #\A)
> +                    (char<=? digit #\F))
> +               (+ (- (char->integer digit) (char->integer #\A))
> +                  10))))
> +           digits))
> +         (digit-pairs
> +          (let get ((digits digits-as-numbers))
> +            (if (null? digits)
> +                '()
> +                (cons
> +                 (+ (* (car digits) 16) (cadr digits))
> +                 (get (cddr digits)))))))
> +    (u8-list->bytevector digit-pairs)))

Please use `(ice-9 match)`; we don't want to count the number of `d`s in `cddddr`.  :-)

Reply to this email directly or view it on GitLab: https://gitlab.com/gnutls/guile/-/merge_requests/5#note_1219867653
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