[gnutls-devel] libtasn1 | Add new test cases that represent usage of libtasn1 (!89)

Read-only notification of GnuTLS library development activities gnutls-devel at lists.gnutls.org
Sat Apr 15 07:09:01 CEST 2023

Andreas Metzler commented:

Still seeing changes after `make indent` with 1f009b5 :
(sid)ametzler at argenau:/tmp/TA/libtasn1$ git reset --hard
HEAD is now at 1f009b5 running make indent
(sid)ametzler at argenau:/tmp/TA/libtasn1$ git status
On branch master
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'.

nothing to commit, working tree clean
(sid)ametzler at argenau:/tmp/TA/libtasn1$ make  indent
indent -ppi 1 $(./build-aux/vc-list-files -C . | /usr/bin/sed 's|^\./||' | if test -f ./.x-indent; then /usr/bin/grep -vEf ./.x-indent; else /usr/bin/grep -Ev -e "${VC_LIST_EXCEPT_DEFAULT-ChangeLog}"; fi | /usr/bin/grep -Ev -e '(^(maint.mk|gtk-doc.make|build-aux/.*|lib/gl/.*|lib/ASN1\.c|m4/pkg.m4|doc/gdoc|windows/.*|doc/fdl-1.3.texi|fuzz/.*_fuzzer.(in|repro)/.*)$|^$)'  | grep '\.[ch]\(.in\)\?$') && \
indent -ppi 1 $(./build-aux/vc-list-files -C . | /usr/bin/sed 's|^\./||' | if test -f ./.x-indent; then /usr/bin/grep -vEf ./.x-indent; else /usr/bin/grep -Ev -e "${VC_LIST_EXCEPT_DEFAULT-ChangeLog}"; fi | /usr/bin/grep -Ev -e '(^(maint.mk|gtk-doc.make|build-aux/.*|lib/gl/.*|lib/ASN1\.c|m4/pkg.m4|doc/gdoc|windows/.*|doc/fdl-1.3.texi|fuzz/.*_fuzzer.(in|repro)/.*)$|^$)'  | grep '\.[ch]\(.in\)\?$')
(sid)ametzler at argenau:/tmp/TA/libtasn1$ git status
On branch master
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'.

Changes not staged for commit:
  (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
  (use "git restore <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)
        modified:   tests/Test_p11kit_1.c

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