[gnutls-devel] GnuTLS | Subnet mask analysis (#1596)

Read-only notification of GnuTLS library development activities gnutls-devel at lists.gnutls.org
Tue Dec 3 03:53:46 CET 2024

Daiki Ueno commented: https://gitlab.com/gnutls/gnutls/-/issues/1596#note_2237339116

Sorry for the late response. When running `certtool -i --inder --infile test.der` with `-d10`, I see the following:
|<3>| ASSERT: ../../../lib/x509/name_constraints.c[validate_name_constraints_node]:112
|<3>| ASSERT: ../../../lib/x509/name_constraints.c[_gnutls_extract_name_constraints]:171
|<3>| ASSERT: ../../../lib/x509/x509_ext.c[gnutls_x509_ext_import_name_constraints]:425
So the import is actually failing but ignored, resulting in the empty name constraints extension is printed; we should probably print error at import as in [SCTS](https://gitlab.com/gnutls/gnutls/-/blob/403a0e72318388b875e0358c156eed2ab50168e2/lib/x509/output.c). As for verification, it's similar, given the name constraints are empty, it succeeds. However, if you compile gnutls with `--enable-strict-x509`, you would see it is rejected at import time:
src/certtool -d2 -i --inder --infile test.der
Setting log level to 2
|<2>| error: could not parse extension (
import error: Error in the certificate.
src/certtool -d2 --verify --infile Cases/masktest_n.pem --load-ca-certificate Cases/masktest_n_CA.pem
Setting log level to 2
Note that no verification profile was selected. In the future the medium profile will be enabled by default.
Use --verify-profile low to apply the default verification of NORMAL priority string.
Loaded CAs (1 available)
|<2>| error: could not parse extension (
error parsing CRTs: Error in the certificate.

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