ssl connection issues

Michael Blumenkrantz mike at
Wed Sep 29 21:06:27 CEST 2010

On Wed, 29 Sep 2010 17:17:56 +0200
Nikos Mavrogiannopoulos <nmav at> wrote:

> On 09/29/2010 04:48 PM, Michael Blumenkrantz wrote:
> > If that were the case, wouldn't it also fail when I have paused execution
> > as I described previously?  Additionally, the only function that is sending
> > data on that socket during that time is gnutls_handshake.
> I can only speculate as I cannot reproduce the issue. If you think you
> know how to reproduce it, check mini-egain example, and see whether you
> can emulate the behavior you're seeing there.
> To the point. As I see the problem is not on receiving. This happens
> normally as I see from your log. Check with wireshark and other ways
> that the send is occuring as it should.
> regards,
> Nikos
Hmm I have spent some time working on a very tiny async app using gnutls.  It
utilizes a single callback to handshake and then disconnect from a server, as I
will describe later.  In my testing with this, however, I uncovered a larger
and previously unknown bug in pre-existing software which I have now begun the
long task of attempting to fix.  Thank you for your advice.

In thanks, I have written and documented a small test program (attached) which
performs an asynchronous remote connection to (an easy site to
find that has an ssl certificate).  It requires eina and ecore from the
EFL/ to compile/run, but should serve as a good standalone
reading example to include since it is well-commented and short (11
gnutls calls, 3 ecore calls total).  Feel free to modify/redistribute if you
would like, with or without attribution.  I hope you find it useful.

Mike Blumenkrantz
Zentific: Our boolean values are huge.
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