How to run the ex-serv-psk.c example

Peter Penzov peter.penzov at
Fri Mar 2 02:56:21 CET 2012

I'm trying to run the example ex-serv-psk.c from gnutls 3.0.14.

I generated self signed certificate using these commands:

certtool --generate-privkey --outfile key.pem
certtool --generate-self-signed --load-privkey key.pem --outfile cert.pem

 I compiled the examples ex-serv-psk.c and ex-client-psk.c. When I try to
run them I get this error:

[root at localhost test]# ./server
Server ready. Listening to port '5556'.

- connection from, port 38184
*** Handshake has failed (The TLS connection was non-properly terminated.)

[root at localhost test]# ./client
*** Handshake failed
GnuTLS error: Insufficient credentials for that request.
[root at localhost test]#

Is it do I need something else to run these examples?
I modified some o
#define KEYFILE "key.pem"
#define CERTFILE "cert.pem"
#define CAFILE "/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt"
#define CRLFILE "crl.pem"

How I must create CAFILE and CRLFILE? I created self-signed certificate. Do
I need these files in this case?

Best wishes
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