Wish: group support for Kmail and gnupg

Ingo Klöcker kloecker at kde.org
Wed Dec 6 20:26:43 CET 2006

On Wednesday 06 December 2006 10:22, Bernhard Reiter wrote:
> On Thursday 30 November 2006 20:31, Ingo Klöcker wrote:
> > FWIW, KMail supports associating several keys with one email adress
> > since ages (even before Ägypten stopped being just a country on the
> > African continent).
> Ingo,
> this is interesting. Can you tell me how this works with
> KMail/Kontact?
> Let us say I want to send at team at example.com
> and know that three people read there  a at example.org, b at example.com,
> c at example.net.
> I enter team at example.com in the to: field,
> select encryption and OpenPGP.
> What do I need to do next?

That should be pretty straight forward.

- Select "Send Message".
- KMail will tell you "There are conflicting encryption preferences for 
these recipients. Encrypt this message?". Select Encrypt.
- The Encryption Key Selection dialog will pop up. Select the desired 
keys of a, b and c, check "Remember choice" and select OK.
- A dialog asking for the name of the contact for "team at example.com" 
will pop up.
- The Encryption Key Approval dialog will pop up. Optionally change the 
Encryption preference for "team at example.com", e.g. choose "Ask whenever 
encryption is possible".
- After approving the encryption keys the message will be sent.

Somewhere in between you will probably be asked for your passphrase for 
signing the message.

The next time you send a message to team at example.com KMail will know 
which keys to use.

I haven't tried it, but you should also be able to do the above from the 
address book, i.e. you create a new contact for team at example.com and 
edit the signing/encryption options of the contact.

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