
George Pauliuc pauliuc@gmx.net
18 Nov 2002 21:07:22 +0200

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I'm sorry, maybe I misunderstood you.

You are making not a mess but a big mistake.  The problem is not how to
print the chars.  You have this as you don't even have to bother - after
all most browsers (all the recent) default to Latin1 and not ASCII.

You didn't understand my message.  Please read it again.  There are
different ENCODINGS.  That means that char 0123 means a special char in
Latin2.  In Latin2 THE CHARS ARE SHOWN WRONG.  Because they have a WRONG
DESCRIPTION.  That was corrected with the less used Latin10.  That means
0123 has the same meaning but LINKS with the RIGHT picture.  0123 isn't
the value for my char in Unicode.  Worse: the method you use brings up a
charater that doesn't even look like what I have in mind.

You should consider other languages than those supported by Latin1
charset.  After all those languages aren't THE ONLY ONES in the world.=20
Not even a the biggest part of the languages that use Latin characters
(latin characters and not latin encodings).

Please learn more about other languages before launching with such
proposals.  And if this isn't enough, think how you'll use your solution
on a Chinese page.

On Lu, 2002-11-18 at 11:33, Noel D. Torres Ta=F1o wrote:
> I have an idea. Maybe it is a mess, but I use it in spanish to represent
> non-ASCII characters in webpages.
> I use the proper HTML character entities. All of them start with & and
> end with ; and I use some of them like
> aacute for small a with acute over it
> eacute for small e with acute over it
> Aacute for capital a with acute over it
> Eacute for capital e with acute over it
> ntilde for small n with tilde (something like ALT+126) over it
> Ntilde for capital n with tilde over it
> iquest for inverted question mark
> There are such entities for all characters, since they can be used by
> name or by number. So really there is no need for multicharacter
> encoding if we use HTML way to represent those characters.
> Please look at the view and the code of
> http://www.geocities.com/envite7/characters.html

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