Encoding: a proposal

George Pauliuc pauliuc@gmx.net
26 Nov 2002 01:14:12 +0200

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On Ma, 2002-11-26 at 00:57, Lorenzo Cappelletti wrote:
> It seems impossible to me that there's no editors with which you can
> open a file with a foreign encoding and save it without loosing any
> information...

Of course - vim ;-)  But it also has to be tweaked as most keyboards do
speak Latin encodings and not Unicode.  But we're close to that time
when all will go to Unicode.  I hear that RH8.0 does that, and probably
MDK9.0 and soon the other Linux distributions will use Unicode by
default and not just "Unicode enabled".

> I think we should give it a try... could you checkout latest site
> revision, translate just a message with your encoding (apart from those
> symbols you talked about) and send it to me?

It's okay with me.  Is the new site in the cvs?

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