Don't break existing links!

George Pauliuc
06 Dec 2002 17:37:33 +0200

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On Vi, 2002-12-06 at 15:12, Werner Koch wrote:
> I know that this looks strange.  Afaik, Caudium uses this for language
> caching purposes when it is not configured to use cookies.  I guess
> this requires some Caudium hacking.  I am running for years Boa on a
> small website and had no problems except that it does not support
> virtual servers.  This has now changed and I am running now some sites
> with virtual boa servers (e.g.  Boa is very minimalistic
> and thus easy to configure.  We do only have staic pages and thus it
> might make sense to switch to it.  There is no content-negotiation
> yet.
> The most likely change is that we are going to use another machine for
> running Apache.

The Linux kernel has a minimalistic web server that delivers only static
pages.  And, as it is in the kernel, it goes really fast and with little
overhead.  I know some examples where the static pages are delivered by
this web server and the dynamic pages (the ones with scripts) are
forwarded to apache to interpret them.

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