Where FAQ translations?
Lorenzo Cappelletti
Wed, 19 Mar 2003 18:46:21 +0100
On Sat Mar 15 at 18:49 +0100, _Cri_ wrote:
> > _Cri_ has translated FAQs into Italian and handed the file to me. Do
> > you need it, too?
> >
> > I'm going to include it into documentation/faqs.wml...
> Lorenzo, I'm sorry for the misunderstanding: David Scribner already sent
> me the perl script to turn faq.raw into faq.html (which in turn has to
> be pasted into faqs.wml).
Yes, sorry. The problem still remains, though. I mean, who's in charge
of keeping your raw translation in a safe place?
I knwo David sends the original faqs.raw file to Werner...
email: lorenzo.cappelletti@email.it
Jabber: lolo@linux.it
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