Can we show in the main page...

Dov Margulis
Fri, 4 Apr 2003 00:14:38 +0200

> I suggest you shut the fuck up now. We have been
> pretty patient. GnuPG and its web site are Werner
> stuff. If you do not like it, leave this list and
> get the fuck out of here. You are not in charge here,
> and you don't have your word to say because we
> don't give a shit about it. Werner is GnuPG. You
> got a problem with the web site ? You tell him.
> He explained himself and if that's a problem to
> you, leave.

The racists have awoken !!!

Listen Gilbert,
First If you wanna fuck, you can masturbate, you little French fuck.
I don't remember you ever taking any part on gnupg-web, so shut the fuck up
yourself !
I see that you're also the self proclaimed advocate of Werner - when I don't
think he needs one, and you better first finish kinder garden and only then
go to law school !
gnupg is GPL and is of the community and for the community.
I don't intend to leave, but I hope you will soon.
I never claimed I was in charge - and I don't know who is this "we" you talk
about, but you seem to act like a 5 year old baby.
Werner has always been more than ok with me and I never felt bad not to say
insulted by him, until the last week at least !
I have a problem only with the "no war" banner and I expressed it before it
was put on the site along with other members of gnupg-web-devel.
Unfortunately Werner decided differently, the only thing left for me to do
is to keep protesting !! And so I do.

> All you have shown to us is someone trying to
> impose his thoughts and views and no respect
> for free speech.

I, IN CONTRAST TO "YOU" ALL as you said it, said on 24/3, that I think we
should leave all of that outside since, as you can now see, this
has led to a lot of bad emotions, curses etc.. that wouldn't have normally
been heard on Open/Free software communities.
I'm in NO WAY trying to reject the con war side nor the pro war one, and I'm
certainly NOT trying to disallow freedom of speech in ANY WAY !!!

> Get away moron. All you deserve is a big shiny
> "TROLL" sticker up your face.

And all you probably need is a good lesson in manners and maybe a good kick
is the ass !!!

> I have been silent but I can't stand it anymore.
> Werner you have all my support and millions of
> people behind you anyway.

It's a shame your foul mouth didn't stay dormant.
And "my" side (leaving politics outside of has at least the
support of a few developers.


I'm not sure If I should tell you this, since you seem to be incompetent
person, but since I'm not like you:
You couldn't even spell correctly and so your email
didn't get to the list, it got only to me !!!