(fwd) GPG-win32 guide

Lorenzo Cappelletti lorenzo.cappelletti@email.it
Wed, 30 Jul 2003 23:33:58 +0200

Hi everyone,

Brendan Kidwell has sent us this interesting work.  What do you think?  
Can we sponsor it on the web site?

I vote in favor of it.

----- Forwarded message from Brendan Kidwell <brendan@glump.net> -----

Date: Mon, 28 Jul 2003 11:24:25 -0400 (Eastern Daylight Time)
From: Brendan Kidwell <brendan@glump.net>
Subject: GPG-win32 guide
To: webmaster@gnupg.org


A few months back I wrote a introductory guide to using GPG in Windows. I
wrote it for a presentation in a college course, and I posted it on my web
site, thinking some people might find it useful. In fact, I've gotten
several favorable comments from people who surfed in and found it.

I thought maybe you'd like to link to it from somewhere in the
Documentation section of your GPG web site. Here is the URL:


If you'd prefer to copy the document to your web server, you certainly
may. I'll just have to let you know whenever I make changes to it.

Thanks. Keep up the good work.



----- End forwarded message -----

email: lorenzo.cappelletti@email.it
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