Coexistence with OpenPGP/IETF

Kai Engert kaie at
Mon Dec 4 16:38:16 CET 2023


what is the position of the developers of the LibrePGP specification 
regarding co-existence with the OpenPGP/IETF specification?

As I understand it, both OpenPGP and LibrePGP share a common part of its 
protocol, which we could describe as the OpenPGP legacy format (or v4).

I assume the developers of the LibrePGP specification expect that this 
data format will be used with email, please correct me if I'm wrong.

As of today, the PGP/MIME specification is used to specificy how to 
transport PGP data in email messages.

Do you expect that MUAs will use the same content-types as defined in 
the PGP/MIME specification? (RFC 3156). Or do you suggest that new, 
different content-types shall be used for LibrePGP?

If both will use the same content-types, a MUA that implements only one 
specification will have to attempt to parse the data, and it will either 
succeed, or it will find data packets that it doesn't support.

It would help implementations to be able to clearly identify whether a 
data stream of PGP packets follows either the OpenPGP or the LibrePGP 

Are the developers of the LibrePGP specification willing to coordinate 
with the developers of the OpenPGP specification, to ensure the 
specifications will have no clashes in the specification of the wire format?


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