Reading new key packages (Re: Coexistence with OpenPGP/IETF)

Werner Koch wk at
Sun Jan 7 15:59:10 CET 2024

On Sun,  7 Jan 2024 02:52, Heiko Schäfer said:
> As you pointed out, the crypto-refresh draft doesn't currently define
> a mechanism for securing literal metadata (presumably because this was

To get the record straight: It was willfully removed after the
implementers had implemented v5 signatures more than 2 years ago.  There
is a reason that we listed this as one of the critique points on the
crypto-refresh draft updates and the forthcoming RFC.

FWIW, the V5 signature format was first specified in
draft-ietf-openpgp-rfc4880bis-06.txt (November 2018).  A sample
signature was then posted the next March.  This was at a time the WG was
bike-shedding over chunk sizes and discussing a proposal to remove
compression support.



The pioneers of a warless world are the youth that
refuse military service.             - A. Einstein
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