Brainpool removed from crypto-refresh PQC spec

Werner Koch wk at
Tue May 28 09:54:51 CEST 2024

On Tue, 28 May 2024 04:12, Aron Wussler said:

> This was done in the best interest of a simple specification and
> implementation. The Brainpool and NIST curves were moved to a separate

Check out the Librepgp spec for Kyber:

 - 16 entries for the table of allowed combinations of which 12 are MAY
 - 35 lines text for ECC-KEM for X25519 and X448
 - 36 lines text for ECC-KEM for Weierstrass

These 36 extra lines are simple enough.  The entire description for the
Kyber composite algorithm are a mere 6 pages in LibrePGP.  In your new
draft -04 you need about 10 pages w.o Weiertsrrass curves - granted
there are some verbose tables but I dount that they are really needed
for an implementer.

> specification. In particular, this applies to signatures, where there
> is not clear consensus regarding composite and the situation may be
> more experimental.

Signatures are indeed a different topic and there is no urgent need.



The pioneers of a warless world are the youth that
refuse military service.             - A. Einstein
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