Status of GPA and GPGME

Werner Koch
Wed Aug 28 13:13:02 2002

On Wed, 28 Aug 2002 11:55:01 +0200, Miguel Coca said:

> That's what I was asking. Is there a way to know which directories are
> searched? $(libexecdir) is only known by gpg (for example, in the debian
> package gpgkeys_ldap is in /usr/bin), and I would rather not parse the

If you do the same as in GnupG, the files will get into the same
directory.  We assume that on a given platform either libexec or bin
is used.

> Is there an option that shows where the helpers are? Could there be one?

If a users chooses to change the location of the modules, he is on his
own.  Adding an option to gpg to show the options does not seen to be a
good idea.  Just document that one should not change the default
module dir for GnuPG.

In general I am thinking of an easy to use gpg.conf option parser
which can be used by GUIs to get all the the options currently in
effect. It would also allow to modify some of the options.  This tool
would be distribiuted as part of GnuPG so that any incompatible
changes we might want to do to the options can be hidden from the GUI.

