Distribution of binary

Peter Lebbing peter at digitalbrains.com
Thu Dec 13 10:14:37 CET 2018

On 13/12/2018 02:24, Jeremy Drake wrote:
> If all you want is to test GnuPG, and not store any secrets, couldn't
> you use the GNU/Linux port of GnuK?  There's not much documentation
> out there for that, that I've found, but a while back I took an email
> from (the predecessor to) this list's archives and attempted to format
> the instructions a little better, and correct typos.

Yes, that had occurred to me as well, after the topic of more hardware
came up. But I hadn't looked into it at all yet and I would be meeting
Guilhem in a couple of weeks anyway at the congress :-).

The OS that needs the GnuK will be running in a virtual machine, and it
will be impossible to have the GNU/Linux port of GnuK running inside
that virtual machine. I know for a fact you can pass the VM the control
of a physical stick. It will probably be possible to wire the virtual
machine to a USB-over-IP instance as well, but I haven't tried.

Thanks for the pointer and the instructions!


I use the GNU Privacy Guard (GnuPG) in combination with Enigmail.
You can send me encrypted mail if you want some privacy.
My key is available at <http://digitalbrains.com/2012/openpgp-key-peter>

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