RSA extension?

Werner Koch wk at
Tue Sep 15 09:55:40 CEST 1998

"Paul D. Smith" <psmith at BayNetworks.COM> writes:

> Is there information anywhere about building a gpg extension module from
> the rsaref code?  I can run "gpg --load-extension rsa" and it looks for 
> /usr/local/lib/gnupg/rsa, which of course doesn't exist.  I couldn't
> find any info in the GPG dist about how to create one of those--is it
> documented somewhere? :

`grep gcc rsa.c`

and copy rsa to /usr/local/lib/gnupg

It is not distributed because you are not allowed to use it in the

Yes - I know that old/ is a bad name as it is not mirrored and I will
create a contrib directory.


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