Subkey problems

Frank Tobin ftobin at
Mon Aug 14 01:51:43 CEST 2000

L. Sassaman, at 22:21 on Fri, 11 Aug 2000, wrote:

> (Or I could be mis-diagnosing the error, and it could be caused by
> pgpenvelope. But I think there's still GnuPG confusion, since a revoked
> subkey should be unusable for encryption.)

Really, now, Len, you shouldn't be relying on pgpenvelope for your
diagnosing of GnuPG :)  pgpenvelope is at fault here, and I am aware of
the problem; pgpenvelope currently simply selects the first subkey.  This
is a problem, and I'll fix it.

Frank Tobin

"To learn what is good and what is to be valued,
those truths which cannot be shaken or changed."  Myst: The Book of Atrus

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