external keystore option?

Janusz A. Urbanowicz alex at bofh.torun.pl
Thu May 11 14:55:37 CEST 2000

Werner Koch wrote/napisał[a]:
> On Thu, 11 May 2000, Lord of the Lists wrote:
> >   My reason for asking is not purely academic; I recently published
> > keymgr, an application designed to serve this purpose, whose only real 
> > claims to fame at present are a pretense to modularity and enough
> > functionality to allow one to keep one's ssh keys on a Java ring.
> BTW, Brian Warner did some experiments with a PalmPilot and sent me
> the outline for a protocol to be used between the decryption/signing
> engine on some device and gpg.  However, I have not yet found the time
> to work on it and franky I can't find it right now in my mail archives :-(

I'd be very interested in it (as a fresh owner of brand-new Palm Vx) and
also in paricipating. I've already thought of implementing something along
the lines of using Palm as crypto token/engine working over IRDA/serial

Janusz A. Urbanowicz | ALEX3-RIPE | SF-Framling | Thawte Web Of Trust Notary

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