gpgme license

Brian M. Carlson karlsson at
Sun Jul 21 07:36:02 CEST 2002

On Sat, Jul 20, 2002 at 04:23:11AM -0500, Robert J. Hansen wrote:
> > for example binary distributions which are to be distributed under a
> > BSD license.
> Please phrase this correctly: binary-_only_ distributions for which source 
> code will not be made available because the BSD license allows it.
> If someone wants to do Free Software/open-source development, this is no 
> problem at all.  It's only a problem if someone wants the code to go 
> proprietary at some point.

Or it could be a problem if someone just wanted to use a different
license. Say, a license that allowed the use of patents (which we all
know are bad). It is entirely up to the authors and copyright holders
how to license their software. Not everyone likes the GPL. I prefer the
public domain (which is not actually a license). And even GPL'd code can
go proprietary. tuxracer is an example. It is entirely up to the
copyright holder.

> I'm not a GPL zealot.  I just think that if the guy who's writing the code 
> is giving you the source code, is giving you unlimited use rights, 
> unlimited distribution rights, his only requirement is you have to share 
> the code, too... then the guy who's writing the code ain't doing you 
> nothing but right.

I have no problem with the GPL either; it has its place. However,
perhaps you ought to read it. The GPL does not grant you unlimited
distribution rights. You are not allowed to distribute in violation of
section 7 (the "patent" section) or section 8 (the "geographical
prohibition" section). You must also also comply with section 3 for
binary or object code distributions. And, the guy doesn't *have* to
share the code with you if he doesn't want. He only has to give it to
you if you got a copy of object code or binary. Otherwise, you are

Brian M. Carlson <karlsson at> <> 0x560553E7
The last thing one knows in constructing a work is what to put first.
		-- Blaise Pascal
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