gnupg 1.2.1 release candidate

Volker Quetschke quetschke at
Sat Oct 19 10:34:02 CEST 2002

Hi Oleg,
>>A  release  candidate  for 1.2.1 is now available. I would very much
>>appreciate  if  people with build problems on 1.2.0 can try this one
>> (2M)
> I've just tried compiling tit under the latest cygwin, and it breaks
> in an identical fashion to v1.2.0:
It doesn't break on cygwin! Use setup.exe from cygwin to get the source and the patches!
(It's still marked test, choose "Exp" in category Utils.

Both versions build, and work: Cygwin and native w32 mingwin version. Follow
the steps in /usr/src/gnupg-1.2.0/CYGWIN-PATCHES/gnupg.MinGW.README for details
on the Mingwin version.

Didn't try 1.2.1 yet.


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