[ PATCH][TESTREQ],fingerprint colorcode, V 0.2

Atom 'Smasher' atom at suspicious.org
Tue Jul 27 23:55:53 CEST 2004

Hash: SHA256

On Tue, 27 Jul 2004, Thomas Schorpp wrote:
> Atom 'Smasher' wrote:

> | i would think this is best suited for GUI interfaces (kgpg, seahorse,
> | html keyservers, gimp plug-in, etc), not a command line interface...
> you are right IF you can assure highly secure interfaces and comms to
> these apps then. i like it in terminal and testers of gui apps surely
> too for verification of bugs.

we accept a "non-secure" photo viewer... the problem with terminals is 
that some are monochrome, some display 8 colors, some display a 
*different* 8 colors, some display 16 colors, some display 256 colors... 
to even attempt that this would work on all terminals capable of 
displaying 16 (or more) colors would require curses, slang, or similar. 
even then, i'm not sure if 16 colors can all get along in the same 
terminal and be portable.


> | trying to do colors on a terminal is an uphill battle that would
> | probably require a fair amount of dependencies (curses, slang, etc) and
> | still not work everywhere. especially if someone has their terminal
> | configured to display non-standard colors.
> e.g.?

from man terminfo(5):
 	can_change... terminal can redefine existing colors

AFAIK, that can be used so a terminal displays red as green, black as 
white, etc. sending simple control sequences would have undesired effects.

> | hhmmm... in the same way that an external photo-viewer can be specified,
> | maybe a tiny (external) app can be specified to show fingerprints?
> no, it should be in standard gpg gui apps.

yeah, that too... not that it should be part of gpg itself (which is a 
command line tool), but it should be part of kgpg, seahorse, etc... but 
also, for someone who just uses the command line in an X session, a small 
app that just translates fingerprints to colors and opens a window to 
display a color bar.

> | how are you coordinating hex digits to colors? maybe i can whip out some
> | PHP for web based apps (aka keyservers).
> not vorrectly yet, it seems, bright isnt working:
> p_padala at yahoo.com:
> ~        <ESC>[{attr};{fg};{bg}m

i don't think you have to specify bg/fg. attached is script (and 
screenshot) that displays boxes of colors by specifying only the bg color 
and displaying two spaces (0x20).

MD5 (bar) = d84cdee8b7df4a4732f986ff6e45a00d
MD5 (bar.png) = eca9bfd6af503df88abd2de3caa9a24f

it's probably not necessary to specify "^[[0m" between each color, but it 
certainly doesn't seem to hurt.

like any simple script that displays colors, the results will vary widely 
depending on what terminal you view it on.

anyway, what relationship are you trying to get between hex and colors?


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 	"My kind of loyalty was loyalty to one's country,
 	 not to its institutions or its officeholders.
 	 The country is the real thing, the substantial
 	 thing, the eternal thing; it is the thing to
 	 watch over, and care for, and be loyal to;
 	 institutions are extraneous, they are its mere
 	 clothing, and clothing can wear out, become
 	 ragged, cease to be comfortable, cease to
 	 protect the body from winter, disease, and death."
 		- A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court
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