Piping with Win32
Sun, 10 Dec 2000 21:25:58 -0500
On Mon, 11 Dec 2000 03:10:48 +0100 or Thereabouts
The voices in my head told me that "Marcus" <lists@wordit.com> said:
> "On 10.12.00 at 12:26 Jordi Negrevernis i Font wrote:
> >Try
> >gpg --list-keys | more"
> That is what one would expect to work. My key list is only two lines,
> so I can't tell if it works. I'm guessing you already tried the above?
Yes, and I'm an idiot. :-) I figured out the problem today.
To save enviroment space (so my path doesn't get way out of hand) I
put a directory in my path that contains batch files that I use to call
many of the programs and utils that I frequently use.
I was calling GPG from a batch file, and that was why it wasn't
working. I simply added gnupg to my path directly (no longer using a
batch file) and piping works fine now.
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