
Oyvind A. Holm
Wed Mar 27 17:25:01 2002

On 2002-03-27 07:27-0800 Steve Butler wrote:

> 2.  The file was sent in Binary mode from a WSFTP client to a Linux
> host. One or more (but not all) <CR> characters where dropped. The
> file is at least one byte short.

In _binary_ mode??? Sheesh, that's an ugly one! Is this a common flaw
with the WSFTP clients, or a specific version? Bugs like that cannot be
accepted, it has to be corrected ASAFP.


| OpenPGP: 0x629022EB 2002-02-24 =D8yvind A. Holm <> |
| Fingerprint: DBE9 8D44 67F7 42AC 2CA1  7651 724E 9D53 6290 22EB   |
+----------| En dag uten Cola er som en hund uten svane. |----------+