Expiry dates - which is right?

Marcin Owsiany marcin@owsiany.pl
Sun May 12 18:52:02 2002


I want to change the expiration date of my keypair, since it will expire in a
few months. I changed it using the 'exprire' command, and the '--edit-key'
command shows only updated expiry dates:

porridge@melina:~$ LANG=C gpg --edit-key porridge
Secret key is available.

pub  1024D/60F41216  created: 2000-09-04 expires: 2006-04-23 trust: -/u
sub  1024g/2ADE518F  created: 2000-09-04 expires: 2006-04-23
(1)  Marcin Owsiany <porridge@pandora.info.bielsko.pl>
(2). Marcin Owsiany <porridge@debian.org>
(3)  Marcin Owsiany <marcin@owsiany.pl>
(4)  Marcin Owsiany <porridge@gnome.pl>
(5)  Marcin Owsiany <porridge@student.uci.agh.edu.pl>

Command> toggle
sec  1024D/60F41216  created: 2000-09-04 expires: 2006-04-23
ssb  1024g/2ADE518F  created: 2000-09-04 expires: never     
(1)  Marcin Owsiany <porridge@pandora.info.bielsko.pl>
(2)  Marcin Owsiany <porridge@debian.org>
(3)  Marcin Owsiany <marcin@owsiany.pl>
(4)  Marcin Owsiany <porridge@gnome.pl>
(5)  Marcin Owsiany <porridge@student.uci.agh.edu.pl>

However there seems to be a problem with what the --list-keys command shows:

pub  1024D/60F41216 2000-09-04 Marcin Owsiany <porridge@debian.org>
uid                            Marcin Owsiany <porridge@pandora.info.bielsko.pl>
uid                            Marcin Owsiany <marcin@owsiany.pl>
uid                            Marcin Owsiany <porridge@gnome.pl>
uid                            Marcin Owsiany <porridge@student.uci.agh.edu.pl>
sub  1024g/2ADE518F 2000-09-04 [expires: 2006-04-23]

pub  1024D/60F41216 2000-09-04 Marcin Owsiany <porridge@debian.org>
uid                            Marcin Owsiany <porridge@pandora.info.bielsko.pl>
sub  1024g/2ADE518F 2000-09-04 [expires: 2002-09-04]

pub  1024D/60F41216 2000-09-04 Marcin Owsiany <porridge@debian.org>
uid                            Marcin Owsiany <porridge@pandora.info.bielsko.pl>
uid                            Marcin Owsiany <marcin@owsiany.pl>
uid                            Marcin Owsiany <porridge@gnome.pl>
uid                            Marcin Owsiany <porridge@student.uci.agh.edu.pl>
sub  1024g/2ADE518F 2000-09-04 [expires: 2006-04-23]

There are some three parts, of which first and last look identical, but the
middle one only has 2 uids, and the old expiry date. Why?
What are the three parts?
Should I care about what --list-keys shows, if --edit-key seems OK?


Marcin Owsiany <marcin@owsiany.pl>              http://marcin.owsiany.pl/
GnuPG: 1024D/60F41216  FE67 DA2D 0ACA FC5E 3F75  D6F6 3A0D 8AA0 60F4 1216
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                                                              -- Unknown