Digest Mail problems (was Re: Signing headers...)

Jason Harris jharris@widomaker.com
Thu Aug 7 23:10:01 2003

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On Thu, Aug 07, 2003 at 08:19:23PM +0100, Stewart V. Wright wrote:

> Seriously though, this is a problem with replying to mailing lists
> that one receives in a digest -- all the headers are stripped...
> If anyone has a solution I'd love to hear it, this is something I've
> been contemplating for a while, and I can't see how to get around it.

Find the original message at news.gmane.org, save it, and use mutt
to reply to it.  Try it with your message from the command line:

  Message-ID: <20030807191923.GB4683@amtp.liv.ac.uk>

  (echo "article <$1>"; echo "quit") | nc news.gmane.org nntp |& less

and/or use slrn's ESC+l feature if you know the Message-ID, otherwise
you'll have to browse the recent articles.

You can also fetch the relevant mbox file(s) from lists.gnupg.org.

> It is a major problem with MIME encoded signed messages.  I've hacked
> together a script that re-MIME-encodes digest mails that have been
> split (using formail) and allows verification of the signatures in 99%
> of the cases (I am yet to see a failure, but I can visualise a case
> where it would).

Please share it, and compare it to gvv (see "code" on my website), which
helps verify PGP/MIME signatures outside of MUAs.

Jason Harris          | NIC:  JH329, PGP:  This _is_ PGP-signed, isn't it?
jharris@widomaker.com | web:  http://jharris.cjb.net/

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