gpg utils W9x vs. Linux

Bill Turner turner_bill at
Fri May 21 00:37:52 CEST 2004

Hash: SHA1

Hello Neil,

Neil Williams wrote:

| On Tuesday 04 May 2004 2:05, Bill Turner wrote:
|>Currently I have a P-300, 128MB, 6GB,
| That doesn't leave you a lot of room - that's less than 3Gb each with
| Time for a second hard drive?

laughing... I knew that when I got it... it's a used system.  Rome
wasn't built in a day.  I have decided though to just go with W98 till I
can get more space.  6GB really isn't enough.  This will give me an
excuse to play around with things like CygWin... :)

Any opinions on CygWin vs. Mingw vs. whatever... for a way to compile
C/C++ programs on Windows.  I have Perl installed.  C/C++ is down the
road a bit but thought I'd ask.  Yes, this is off-topic... maybe you
could discuss this in email then??

| Mozilla and are fairly unique in running on multiple
| most other programs don't. Doesn't look like gpgshell does either.

I agree.  But it's a good kind of unique to be isn't it? :)

|>2.  If not, can someone recommend a good 'general gnupg' util, with
|>similar functionality to gpgshell, for the Linux side of the box?
| So that's a GUI shell on top of GnuPG for Linux. That's OK, almost
exactly the
| same functionality as gpgshell comes as standard in KDE 3.2 using
KGpg. You
| need a fairly recent KDE though. KGpg is KDE only. KDE does not run on
| Windows 95/98/NT or OS/2 (yet). To run KDE, you need to have a UNIX
| There are other GUI frontends for Linux, see the gnupg documentation:

Thanks... I'll keep the bit abt KDE in mind.  I like KDE a lot.  Very
nice environment.  Very nice.

|>Lastly, I intend to install Mozilla on the Linux side of the box in
|>fairly short order.  Does anyone know of a 'quick and mostly painless'
|>way to 'import' the w9x settings, email, and so forth to the Linux side
|>of the box?
| Linux will normally mount the windows partition for you and Mozilla will
| import it's own settings from the windows files. Make a note of where
| are stored on your windows system before you boot Linux.

I'll keep that in mind.  Thanks.

| The keys can be imported by GnuPG, using the appropriate --import and
| --import-ownertrust commands. Make sure you use --export-secret-keys when
| exporting or you'll lose the ability to sign, edit or decrypt. Then use
| --export-ownertrust and redirect it to a file.
| gpg --export-ownertrust > trustfile.gpg
| Make sure you then test your gpg installation, make sure you can
encrypt and
| decrypt as well as sign and verify files, then delete the exported
files -
| you don't want your exported secret key file hanging around!

laughing... no... I guess that just wouldn't do would it...


- --
"Whatever you do will be insignificant, but it is very important that
you do it."     Mahatma Gandhi.

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do
nothing."  Edmund Burke.

"What have you done to make the world a better place today?  Got 30
seconds?  Feed somebody.  <>"  Bill Turner

~ --
The following information is from a key which has been compromised.
Please contact me directly via email to obtain an updated and current key.

"Bill Turner <wildbill at>"

Type bits /keyID    Date       User ID
pub  1024D/89F6CC2B 2002/10/18 Bill Turner <wildbill at>
Key fingerprint = 2AC6 D850 97A0 5D3A FB22  9237 24DA 6DCC 89F6 CC2B
sig        89F6CC2B             Bill Turner <wildbill at>
~ --
My current (and valid) GPG Public key info follows:

"Bill Turner <turner_bill at>"

Type bits /keyID    Date       User ID
pub 1024D/7A85CF68 2004/04/28 Bill Turner (Tux Rox!)
<turner_bill at>
Key fingerprint = 763D 95D2 CB20 7763 5303  8097 A7D7 6B5D 7A85 CF68
sig   7A85CF68    Bill Turner (Tux Rox!) <turner_bill at>
~ --

Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (MingW32)


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