w32 installation paths

vedaal at hush.com vedaal at hush.com
Tue Nov 16 00:55:43 CET 2004

>Message: 7
>Date: Mon, 15 Nov 2004 19:37:45 CET
>From: Maxine Brandt <torduninja at netcourrier.com>
>Subject: Re: w32 installation paths
>To: gnupg-users at gnupg.org
>Message-ID: <mnet1.1100543865.27722.torduninja at netcourrier.com>
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
> With the best
>upx compression, the gpg.exe binary is almost 100kb larger than 
>that of 1.2.5 and it
>requires the iconv.dll which is more than 600kb - a total of 700kb 

>extra. A bare-bones
>version will just fit on the floppy, 

what would happen if the iconv.dll would be left out?

what wouldn't work?


>Message: 9
>Date: Mon, 15 Nov 2004 21:23:08 +0000
>From: "C. D. Rok" <cedar at 3web.net>
>Subject: Re: w32 installation paths
>To: gnupg-users at gnupg.org
>Message-ID: <41991E3C.6070805 at 3web.net>
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed

> From what I know, 2.6.3ia-multi06 would be the version of choice.
>In contrast to USB drives, "in nasty places" the old floppy has 
>one very
>important advantage: it is the only r/w medium cheap enough to 
>make practical
>protocols which call for copies of both the software and the data 
>to be
>destroyed after each use. I was wondering if your proposition that 

>"...cryptographic security has been in doubt for some time now..." 

>applies to 2.6.3ia-multi06? (compatibility with the current crop 
>PGPGs aside).

much as i love 2.6.3a multi 6,
and am one of the few diehards that still uses it regularly
(and from a floppy),

i would _not_ recommend it for use in
'really nasty places'

no crypto program is useful there,
as a simple screen capturer or hardware key logger is enough
to cause major tragedy

the best solution there,
is to use zero-distortion stego carriers,
and without 'any' program
outside of the user's head

several such text-within-text stego pencil and paper schemes are 


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