XY cromosomas

H ochominutosdearco at gmail.com
Thu Apr 7 20:41:12 CEST 2005

Hi all,

I have a doubt to sign one friends key.  I have told it to some friends and 
they did not had the answer.  Its a sensitive problem and i don't want to make 
my friend feel bad about my question.

My doubt is that I found a girl in a LUG that i have visited, that wants me to 
sign her key but, I did not saw her documents. And thats not all. She was he 
time ago. I guess her is a transsexual .

I knew her, and there is no doubt for me about her identity. In fact, thinking 
on this mater, i asked some friends of both in that LUG. They  know her with 
that identity they in their LUG. Maybe her national docs are not updated, but 
her name is clare determined for me and for the people that i asked.

Now the question is if you have had this situation before or is the first time 
someone ask about it.

I have not problems to be the first singing this, I can survive the intolerant 
point of view. But I am a responsible man and I don't want to make problems to 
the gpg community.

I don't want to make her to feel bad or different. Thats why I did not asked 
him to add one photo.

Is that forced in this case? is not enogh to be sure about her identity? I am 
forbide to sign by the gpg rules?

Thank you for your answer and sorry about my bad english

jabber:  h at myjabber.net
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