Automatically encrypt and sign outgoing mail

John Clizbe JPClizbe at
Tue Oct 25 00:50:16 CEST 2005

Faine, Mark wrote:
> I've configured system account mail (root, postmaster, etc) to be sent
> to a user account and then that user account is using a .forward file to
> send the mail to my workstation where I can review it.  I would like to
> do the same but include an encrypt/sign step into the process.  
> I have created my key on the workstation (Windows using Outlook 2003 and
> the Outlook MUA plugin.
> I've created a key for the user who will send the system's mail.
> I've imported the key into the keyring of this user, signed it and set
> the trust.
> I've searched all day for a procmail recipe that would encrypt/sign the
> message upon arrival in the user mailbox but I've not found anything.
> I'd like to set it up so that the mail is encrypted and signed to my
> workstation gnupg key and then the mail is forwarded to my workstation
> email account.  This way all the mail I receive from the system will
> always be encrypted.
> Any help would be appreciated.

Look into GPGrelay:

I believe it should meet your requirements.

John P. Clizbe                      Inet:   John (a)
You can't spell fiasco without SCO. PGP/GPG KeyID: 0x608D2A10/0x18BB373A
"what's the key to success?"        / "two words: good decisions."
"what's the key to good decisions?" /  "one word: experience."
"how do i get experience?"          / "two words: bad decisions."

"Just how do the residents of Haiku, Hawai'i hold conversations?"

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