signing an verifying data without the need of files

Björn Mayer info at
Tue Jan 16 19:03:56 CET 2007

  Hi Sven,

  damn it, I actually didn't know that a Java library accessing GnuPG does
  exist! Thanks a lot for this hint!

  I continued trying to make it work with the --clearsign and --texmode
  command, but I seem to be too stupid! Do you already have some
  experiences? The command generating a signature for the string "hello"
  would be more than great!!!

  Cu, Björn

> Hi Björn!
> Björn Mayer schrieb:
>>  want to write a method for my JavaGPG class
> If you don't know it yet, you may want to have a look at
> This could save you a lot of you programming time.
> Regarding your question, cleartext-signatures are probably what you
> want. These can be fed completely via standadard I/O.
> I am not aware that this would be possible with detached signatures.
> cu, Sven

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