Generating an authentication key for smart card

Werner Koch wk at
Mon Jul 9 18:53:01 CEST 2007

On Mon,  9 Jul 2007 16:52, james at said:

> Creating 1024-bit RSA keys for signing and encryption is straight
> forward enough but what do I need to do to generate a (sub?)key to use
> for authentication which I can later transfer to the card? Or am I
> forced to create an authentication key on the card?

Use "addkey" to create a new subkey, select "RSA (set your own
capabilities)", toggle the capabilities until they are as you want them.
after the key has been created, save start --edit-key again, select that
subkey and use the "keytocard" command to store the key on the card.
You need to do this in --export mode of course.



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