Naming of GnuPG

Christoph Anton Mitterer christoph.anton.mitterer at
Mon Apr 21 16:44:29 CEST 2008

On Mon, 2008-04-21 at 16:33 +0200, Werner Koch wrote:
> This will not happen.  1.4. builds on a wide variety of platforms
> whereas 2.0 requires a decent POSIX or Windows platform.
I've already thought that...

> Frankly, I do not see the problem.  The BInd folks are running Bind 8
> and Bind 9 for a long time already and not long ago Bind 4 was also
> activly maintained.
Well I don't have a problem too. The only things that I wanted to
suggest when I've entered this thread was:
- Don't use different names for different gnupg branches.
- Set up some place (perhaps in the FAQ and even in the download area)
where you just say all that, namely: New features will probably go to
2.x, both will have the same security support, for the places where both
provide the same stuff (openPGP) both provide exactly the same
features... etc.

Best wishes,

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