Decryption error

David Shaw dshaw at
Thu Jan 10 04:26:14 CET 2008

On Wed, Jan 09, 2008 at 04:28:46PM -0600, Paul Crittenden wrote:
> I am using gpg for encryption with Amanda, a disk backup utility. It
> backups up just fine but when I try to restore I get the error:
> gpg: fatal: open failed: No such file or
> directory
> I have set environment variables both when I compiled gpg and when I run
> the restore utility but I can't seem to get past this error.
> I have worked with the Amanda folks but still haven't figured this one
> out.

This isn't an Amanda issue or a GPG issue.  Rather, it's a regular old
Unix-ish shared library issue.  The error means that the gpg binary
was compiled on a system that could find, but is now
being run on a system that cannot.

Does the file exist at all on your machine?


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