Linux crypto killer apllication

gabrix sickuser at
Wed May 14 22:58:59 CEST 2008

Mine is just a suggestion to improve our dear gnupg.
What is missing in linux is a killer crypt application .
I recently used two windows application pgp and bestcrypt . And they both 
have , disk encryption , mail encryption , key generator up to 8192 length , 
text encryption , zip encryption . 
All these features are for linux from command line or together to other 
command line softwares and not really friendly for newbyes  .
Will be any , of the above said features , implemented in gnupg in the 
future ?
Thanks !
Key fingerprint = AD40 8FC1 F8C0 60E1 608E  C136 8080 9773 6C71 F528

Email: root at
MSN:   sickuser at
ekiga: gabrihell at
skype: gabx666
Jabber: gabrihell at
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