pcscd, FC8, enigmail and plain gpg

Alexander W. Janssen yalla at fsfe.org
Fri Sep 26 18:10:29 CEST 2008

First: I somehow screwed up my automatic From:-foo... That's why I ended
up in the moderation-queue. I promise to fix it! :)

Werner Koch wrote:
> On Tue, 23 Sep 2008 20:25, alexander.janssen at gmail.com said:
>> I migrated from Debian to Fedora Core 8 a while ago. I'm generally using
>> my OpenGPG Smartcard only with Thunderbird/Enigmail, but any now and
>> then I want to use plain ol' gpg.
> [Unless you have other needs for your smartcard reader, I suggest to
>  remove pcscd and use gpg's internal CCID driver.]

Yes, I want to logon to my system using libpam-poldi - I didn't
implement it yet though for I'm a lazy boy (used it on Debian though).
Also I'm quite keen for experiments of all sorts so I might be using it
for something else in the future. I'd rather like to debug the current
setup to be honest.

Or don't I need that wrapper for those tasks anyway?

> It seems that something is wrong with your setup: Do you use --no-agent
> with gpg?  If so, gpg tries to access the smartcard directly instead of
> diverting smartcard access to gpg-agent/scdaemon.

I'm not aware of that; Enigmail seems to call gpg directly without
certain parameters - at least I didn't give any special parameters.

I just checked that gpg-agent is running though, though I can't remember
that I enabled it elsewhere. X11 was started under plain ssh-agent control.

$ ps -ef | grep gpg
alex      4503     1  0 17:29 ?        00:00:00 /usr/bin/gpg-agent -s

Not sure if that's related? I checked all files in ~/.gnupg and I
haven't found any suspicious entries.

debug-level basic
log-file socket:///home/alex/.gnupg/log-socket

default-key  90DEE171
keyserver  hkp://wwwkeys.eu.pgp.net

What else could be relevant?

> Salam-Shalom,
>    Werner

Thanks so far!


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