No SmartCard Daemon

Grant Olson kgo at
Sun Apr 3 21:13:39 CEST 2011

On 04/03/2011 03:05 PM, Grant Olson wrote:
> For some reason debian-based software includes scdaemon in the gpgsm
> package.
> Part of me feels like this is a bug in the packaging, but I don't know
> enough about debian packaging to file a bug report.  That, or I'm too
> lazy...

I decided to stop being lazy, but it looks like there's a 4 year old bug
report that requests the exact thing I had in mind:  Either move
scdaemon somewhere else, or at least include its name in the description
so people can find scdaemon via searches.


"Look around! Can you construct some sort of rudimentary lathe?"

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