How to NOT gnutar files during encryption?

helices gpg at
Wed Jul 19 16:30:55 CEST 2017

OK, for the record, I think that I've found the solution.

I looked in Kleopatra Settings and found nothing.

Then, I imported a proper key and began signing and encrypting a file:

In Kleopatra's Sign/Encrypt Files dialog, there is a checkbox: Archive
files with: TAR (PGP-compatible), which is checked by default.

Unchecking that box and encrypting, this file decrypted and unzipped
without incident:

I'm waiting for our client to upload a file encrypted this way.

HOWEVER, they right click the ZIP file and select "sign and encrypt" to
process files. Will the UNchecked checkbox for "Archive files with: TAR
(PGP-compatible)" be default now?

~ Mike

On Wed, Jul 19, 2017 at 8:17 AM, helices <gpg at> wrote:

> How to NOT gnutar files during encryption?
> Thank you for your responses; but, you are all missing my point - and not
> answering my question.
> First, before encryption by Kleopatra, the file IS one (1) real ZIP file
> (e.g.,
> After encryption and upload to us, the file is now an encrypted TAR file,
> with the ZIP file inside (e.g.,
> Notice that there is NO indication of TAR anywhere in the filename.
> Yes, I can rewrite our production processes to look for files of type TAR,
> and automate that. We receive ~1000 encrypted files per day, and we have
> never needed this before.
> However, if they can turn OFF that TAR subprocess - which you state ought
> only to happen when requested to encrypt multiple files - then, this
> client's files will automatically process just like the thousands of other
> clients' files we process without incident every single day.
> So, to repeat myself:
>     How to NOT gnutar files during encryption?
> Please, advise. Thank you.
> ~ Mike
> On Wed, Jul 19, 2017 at 5:43 AM, Werner Koch <wk at> wrote:
>> On Tue, 18 Jul 2017 23:30, gpg at said:
>> > Further investigation reveals that Kleopatra is gnuTARring the ZIP file
>> > prior to encryption.
>> That should only happen when you select multipe files or a directory.
>> This invokes the pgp-zip method of encrypting multiple files.  Despite
>> the name it is not ZIP but USTAR format (which any tar implementation
>> can handle).
>> Shalom-Salam,
>>    Werner
>> --
>> Die Gedanken sind frei.  Ausnahmen regelt ein Bundesgesetz.
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