(pre)cache password rather than use allow-loopback-pinentry

Werner Koch wk at gnupg.org
Fri Jul 21 10:39:23 CEST 2017

On Fri, 21 Jul 2017 10:05, dirkx at webweaving.org said:

> Thanks - that is a nice treasure trove you unearthed for me. Thanks !

Some examples are give at 


> Ok - I’ll need to investigate as to why this does work for our setting (auto renewal of expiry date of keys on chipcard (included below).

It works because we dod not introduce no new prompts and kept the order
of existing prompts.  As soon as we add new prompts, or change the
behaviour of e.g. --expert, your script will break.

> What I was hoping that there is a way to ‘trigger’ a ‘real’ pinentry request by gpg-agent (and allowing it to cache the result for N seconds) prior to going to gpg2 into command mode.  I.e. to warm up the cache.

That should be possible with gpg-preset-passphrase command.  See its man



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