[Feature Request] Multiple level subkey

Robert J. Hansen rjh at sixdemonbag.org
Thu Sep 14 23:58:30 CEST 2017

> But even if you don't agree with my "vision", lets keep it technical;
> what would be the best way to implement this system in your opinion?

Create a GitHub repo and start committing code.

What you want to do is not something that's within the scope of the
OpenPGP RFC.  It's close, but it's not quite there.  If you do this,
you'll have to go beyond the RFC.  So go off, start with a clean sheet
of paper, design a system, and start hacking.  Probably 95% of the
crypto code is already written for you.  All you need to do is design a
protocol, implement it, and give it to the world.

You've already heard a lot of good advice from people here.  Now's the
time to go off and start committing code.

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